Hard Floor Maintenance / Refurbishment:
Hard Floor Maintenance / Refurbishment:
Cleaning Training Wales have developed this fully accredited 2-day training course for individuals or their respective companies who wish to raise levels of knowledge and understanding of Hard Floor maintenance and refurbishment techniques.
The units cover areas such as Cleaning, Maintenance and Polish Applications to Hard Smooth and Resilient Floor Coverings and an understanding of porosity and permeability. The objectives in the treatments, care and maintenance of these floor coverings is to maintain their appearance, prolong their life and safety features.
The training content also covers Health & Safety issues such as Chemical Competence, Machine safe use and care, Safe Systems of work and understanding the PH scale and the effects of acids and alkalines.
The training consists of 5 Hard Floor Maintenance units (HFM).
Course Modules:
Unit HFM 01 - Proficiency in daily floor maintenance.
Unit HFM 02 – Proficiency in Spray Cleaning.
Unit HFM 03 – Proficiency in maintaining floors using Diamond Pad Abrasion.
Unit HFM 04 - Proficiency in Machine Scrubbing and Drying.
Unit HFM 05 – Proficiency in Strip, Dry and Reapply Metallised Emulsion Polish.
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